ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

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ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by zzguy »


I've been using the ZZ cream for almost an year.

I do not have any redness/flushing anymore. I used to have some, one or two years ago, mostly on my nose. I tried many things to get rid of it but I think that what worked was the ZZ cream and no sugar in my diet for the last year. Now, even if I enter a hot room, after spending some time outside in the extremely cold weather, I don't flush (just the ears turn red for a while but that is not a problem).

The problem is with the pimples (see the pic attached). I only get these white head pimples. No redness on the face. Is this rosacea for sure? They are pretty small and usually heal fast after I "kill" them. But there are always new ones coming, so I always have red areas, near the recently "killed" ones. Some are bigger, and deeper, and heal harder. These are red first, but they always get a white head in the end anyway.

Doesn't ZZ cream clear pimples too?

Thank you!
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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by mysecretcurse »

Well I dont have rosecea, but from looking at your pimples, they look EXACTLY like the breakouts Im getting from the mites dying. Exactly. So it seems that the cream IS doing what its supposed to do, but the question is why are you still having mites after so long? How is your hygeine? Do you change your sheets/towels/pillowcases regularly? How often are these breakouts coming? Are you rubbing your face on a partner that has demodex? My boyfriend almost surely has it but it doesnt cause him breakouts to the level where he feels the need to treat,so after I cuddle with him Im sure to wash my face and I dont cuddle my face against his during the night when I have the treatment on my face. I also change my pillow case EVERY night, my towel every day, and our entire bedding once or twice a week, and I wash them with borax soap AND bleach detergent.

Hope that helps!
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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by zzguy »

The mites should be gone by now... after almost one year.
So I guess my pimples aren't caused by mites. The hygiene is perfect of course, but I just can't stop from touching things and people... that's not life and I am not a robot :) - basically, we can get mites anyway, anywhere. So if there were any, the cream should have killed them by now anyway. I guess the problem is something else for me. Breakouts? Yes, they always happen a few weeks after I stop the oral antibiotics...
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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by mysecretcurse »

Well It could be being caused by something else but I wouldnt say a year is neccessarily long enough to know. I believe Walter said it took him longer than a year to fully recover.

Have you done anything internal to help your body? Check out this site if you havent already.


Ive been a member for years and have improved my health more than I could ever imagine.
I did all the internal stuff BEFORE discovering zz, so it was sorta the last peice of the puzzle for me. Since it helped with your redness maybe you DO need zz, but you could need internal work as well?
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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by Walter »


According to me, this looks more a bacterial problem then demodex mites,
also, after one year of using they should be gone…………………..
How do you shave?

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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by zzguy »

Hi Walter. I was shaving with a classic gilette but I bought an electric device now. Anyway, this doesn't help. In fact I stopped shaving for a week or more, but the damn things still appear.

I am also pretty sure they aren't demodex since they don't look like any of the demodex problems I've seen in pictures allover the net. I also don't have any facial redness.
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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by Walter »

Since I think your problem for the moment is bacterial,
If I was you, I would try Carley's Clear & Smooth liquid benzoyl peroxide cleanser,
I don’t know where to get it but I am sure you will find it on internet or your local
If you search for the post from StevenInAustin in our forum you can read
a bit about it.

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Re: ZZ cream works on redness but not on pimples

Post by zzguy »

Thank you Walter!
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