zz cream and nose spider veins.

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zz cream and nose spider veins.

Post by kryszrich »

hey guys, i have a problem. the zz cream has honestly worked for my rosacea and the seb derm around my nose. furthermore, the spider veins on the sides of my nose have shrunk. which is great!! but not all is good news. the spider veins under my nose, at the nasal entrance, worsened and new ones formed even. I've been using the cream for about 10 weeks now and only have been applying it at the nasal entrance area for the past 4-5 weeks after noticing the redness. since then, i noticed it got worse.

Here's the deal. I don';t know if the zz cream is causing it, or if the demodex mites are migrating to that area. what if i am making it worse by using hte cream? OR perhaps the zz cream will come through and start to make it look good. I also don't put that much cream on in that area under (inside) the nose. i really wouldn't understand how the little cream i put on would cause those spider veins.

what do others think? anyone experience something like this?
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:44 pm


Post by kryszrich »


i was wondering if i am using enough. like i said i am experiencing improvement. i am very happy with that. but i apply zz cream twice a day to entire face and at this rate one jar will last 4-5 months. should i perhaps up the amount under the nose to kill the mites? maybe they are taking refuge in my nose because i notice a lot of spider veins deep inside and coming out toward the face. i really don't like the redness this is causing under/inner rim on my nose. i am worried perhaps the skin is too delicate in that area.
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