is this the mite? I don't have a microscope!

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is this the mite? I don't have a microscope!

Post by fullmoon »

I recently did a parasite cleanse and then my skin broke out but after I ordered this stuff and it was still in transit most of it cleared up, anyhow, to make it short I started to clear up and started using this demosdex I broke out I have a lot of blackheads coming out but it's insane that my skin broke out this much since I used this product for about a week. Do you think I'm having a problem with the formula? Why should I continue to break out after the intial cleanse and breaking out started to go away? I'm confused, I look like I'm going through puberty again. Anyone have any ideas on this? Has anyone actually figured if the stuff makes you break out so you keep having to use it?
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Oh, My . . .

Post by Marla »

No. This stuff is not made so that you have to keep using it.

There are many sources of re-infestation: old musty pillows; old dirty sweaters and jackets; pets that are in close contact with other people and then with you . . . The list goes on and on.

The mites are animals. They are small animals. They behave like animals. They go where there is the most comfort and food, and where the breeding conditions are best. All they really want to do is to eat and make more mites.

If we cannot keep the mites away from our skin, we might as well kill them. If we can kill them faster than they can breed, then we feel good and look good.

If we think that we can kill them once and forget about them, we are mistaken. These mites have clever ways of surviving. Their eggs can sit almost forever without hatching until they find a place that has food and warmth. Then they hatch, grow up, get little drivers licenses and go to little mite colleges, and go on about their business of making more eggs.

:wink: --Marla
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Post by Walter »

That you get breakouts using our products is normal and is actually a proof it is working, you kill the mites in mass and this is creating infections, once the majority of the mites are dead and the debris
removed by your immune system this will stop.
A internal parasite cleanse does nothing against demodex mites.

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