Question for Walter

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Question for Walter

Post by Beclily21 »

For Walter

My friend and I two years ago stayed in a hotel together for one night. About two weeks later we both woke up with a butterfly rash across our face and bumps. Hers turned into flushing Nd mine was just a constant redness with bumps. A year later I got ocular rosacea which subsides in humid weather and now my skin flushes. I tried treating my skin with a tea tree oil mixture but I just get more red and break out. I was diagnosed with sibo. A small intestine bacteria overgrowth. And have been put on a no carb no sugar diet. It kinda helps but not really. I have no digestive issues so it just seems so weird. My doctor thinks it's for sure the cause if rosacea. I was put on flagyl Nd my skin totally cleared up within. Few days. My rosacea is a butterfly rash. Redness less on the morning and progresses as day goes on. Red papules and rough patches that itch when they form. Larger pores on cheeks. Dry eyes. How do I know if u have demodex? I'm so nervous to treat it and make my skin worse and then in the end I don't have demodex. Any help would be great

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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Walter »

Hello Rebecca

Well, something happened in the hotel right?
Would be a big coincidence that you suddenly have a small intestine bacteria overgrowth
and then you had both starting skin problems after the hotel so can not be.
Without testing it is impossible to know 100% you have a demodex mite problem
but you have many signs pointing to them.

butterfly rash across our face and bumps
redness with bumps
ocular rosacea
Larger pores on cheeks
The fact that flagyl helped but here is something I don’t understand so well.
You wrote that flagyl Nd my skin totally cleared up within days but you still have skin problems?
so did not really help?
Flagyl can help but it contains only 1% metronidazole which is not strong enough.

You don’t need to be afraid making your skin worse using our products, unless you are allergic to something inside our products nothing can happen.
If I can give you some advice, don’t use that tea tree oil mixture, it is not working well enough and makes it only worse in the long run.
You should use the Zhongzhou ointment, don’t use much, just a tiny bit every application is enough, the first weeks use only one time a day
during the evening/night,
for your eyes, if you still have the ocular rosacea use our eyelash cream.
Our soap is a additional help but not realy needed.

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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Beclily21 »

Hi Walter

Thanks for the reply. I was taking flagyl orally three times a day for ten days. So not topical. I've used topical and it did nothing. No one else that has been close to be has this. Just my friend and I. It goes thru ups and downs too. Even going completely carb free and sugar free it won't go away completely. I ended up getting the zz cream. Last night was third night. My skin looks awful. So many bumps it's crazy!!!! They are red bumps with clear liquid. Even on my forehead where I don't get rosacea. I couldn't go anywhere today. Do you know anyone who tests for demodex in seattle ? How come when people use permithium (rx treatment. Not sure how to spell) how come they don't get worse before better? And how do you know if this is just sensitive rosacea skin? I'm so scared it's going to be this bad for months or even a month.

Also my ocular rosacea is not itchy or burny. My eyes just are so dry. Better now with eye drops etc

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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Walter »

Hello Again

This outbreak is a sign you indeed have a demodex mites problem, otherwise, nothing would happen.
Some people have outbreaks, others not, probably it depends on the immune system how it deals
with the huge amount of bacteria released by the mites when they die.
Slow down the first weeks, only use every 3 days in the evening night, this way the mites don’t die so fast
and les bacteria from them.
What you also could do against this outbreaks is taking Doxycycline antibiotics for a month (ask your doctor first)
Oral Flagyl (Metronidazole) is doing nothing against demodex mites but it can relieve the symptoms for a while.

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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Beclily21 »

Thank you Walter for your reply. Is it weird I got red bumps on my neck and chest as well. I didn't apply any cream there. Could u mites migrate? Some of them have no clear liquid just red itchy bumps. How do you know what's an allergic reaction and what's the mites? I'm so itchy it's insane. I'm scared how long this could last if I do every three days. If I did it every three days could it still clear up the mites ? It's so weird cause my cheek that is usually good has it worse.

I can't find the browse button under preview.

Thank you.
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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Walter »

No, the mites doesn’t migrate, the ointment is spread by your hands, pillow when you sleep,
this is enough to start killing mites on other places where you did not apply, this means you also have mites
on your neck and chest, I would not apply om your neck though, the skin is most of the time too sensitive there, on your chest is ok.
How do you know what's an allergic reaction and what's the mites
An allergic reaction doesn’t create bumps, only red skin and/or itch, you can easily check
this by applying a small amount on your inner arm for example, if no reaction you are not allergic.
If I did it every three days could it still clear up the mites ?
Yes, will still work, and once it becomes better you can apply every day again.
It's so weird cause my cheek that is usually good has it worse
It is not because no problems on a certain place there are no mites there.....

I changed something on the forum, can you check if you have the browse button now?

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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Beclily21 »

Hi Walter

I went to a derm yesterday who scrapes the skin for demodex. He didn't find any. I was nervous because two days after using the cream I got the worst seb derm over my whole face and scalp. Which I've never gotten before. It's been so bad so he has me rubbing hydrocortisone on it for a few days. It was so itchy and swollen. I'm still itchy and bumpy on my chest days after using the cream. That seems like a reaction to me?
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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Beclily21 »

Another pic This happens only on the evening between seven and eight pm
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Re: Question for Walter

Post by Walter »

Thank you for your pictures
Do you think the derm did the skin scraping well?
Does he have experience doing this?
If yes, and no mites are found you probably don’t have a demodex mites problem.
Looking at your pictures, it doesn't seems to be a typical demodex mites problem for me neither
but then again, only a well done demodex test can tell something for sure.
Very strange that even no demodex mites found you still get bumpy on your chest though,
If no mites the ointment should do nothing.
what I also cannot explain is that you both were getting skin problems in the hotel which
is another clue that you were infected with something.
It is a bit hard to see on the pictures if you have a alergic reaction yes or no but according what you write
it looks you indeed have, this happens seldom but happens, one can be alergic for whatever so best to stop using the ointment.
Maybe you could try the Fumanling cream 3% metronidazole, it would be a big coincidence if
you are also allergic on this one.
If you would like to try we will ship one to you.
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