For steve

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For steve

Post by crzyakta »

Steve, how is your skin now?

I remember reading one of your posts on an acne forum, and you said the DS stuff cleared you, but then you had a bad breakout out of nowhere, has all this subsided now?

and what is your maintanence?
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Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:24 am
Location: Austin, Texas USA

Post by SteveInAustin »

Yeah, all is very good now. I still use ZZ once every other night. And the acarid soap bar twice a day. I rarely get even a single pimple, and when I do it goes away fast. Sometimes stress, not getting enough sleep, or poor hygiene causes me to get a pimple or two. But it's rare.

I did have a set-back after about 9 months of using the products. That was when it was summer time, and I decided to undertake an aggressive physical exercise regimen. I was sweating all the time, and I was re-using the same towel day after day to dry my face of sweat. Also, I was not showering immediately after the workouts. As a result, I started breaking out again, and I started getting acne on my back and shoulders. I realized then that the mites were being carried by my sweat down my back and shoulders. Also, because I wasn't using a clean towel each time, the mites recontaminated my face. So I broke out a bit.

That was solved by implementing hygiene changes. I also used Fulio cream on my back and XFML cream on my shoulders. Everything went back to normal after about 2 weeks if I recall correctly.

Then about 1 year into it, I experienced another break-out. This time it was out of the blue. I couldn't explain it. I asked Walter about it, and he told me to stop using the full dosage program and start using the maintenance program. I thought it wouldn't work, because why would scaling back improve things? But it did. It immediately got better after that. And I've been on the maintenance program ever since.

Austin, Texas USA
Posts: 71
Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 8:00 am

Post by crzyakta »

why do you think the maintainence program works better than the regular more invasive one?
Posts: 206
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:24 am
Location: Austin, Texas USA

Post by SteveInAustin »

crzyakta wrote:why do you think the maintainence program works better than the regular more invasive one?
I don't know that the maintenance program is actually "better" than the regular program. It's just that for some reason after you've been on the regular program for a long time more than you should, you start to get breakouts again. Or seemingly so. I haven't figured it out yet. The solution is to go off the regular program and go on the maintenance program sometime shortly after the regular program clears you up to 99%. But I think it might not work if you just started on the maintenance program from day 1. But who knows.

Austin, Texas USA
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