Why this happen again?

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Why this happen again?

Post by Reny »

Hi everybody! I need advice. I've been using DS products 8-9 months.After a 6-7 month instead go better, I had a bad breakout. I began to use zz cream every other day at night. One month I was clear.
Now I'm again with pimples. My skin never look so bad. I have so many and little pimples in places I 've had never before.What happen. Why I still have pimples.
I've never had bigproblem with my skin. I had only few pimples on my chin. Now after using this product I have a little ones all over my face, ugly marks. My skin never look so bad. I don't know what to do. There are no cure for this
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Post by SteveInAustin »

Not sure about this. It sounds like you did the right thing by reducing your dosage to ZZ every other night. So that's good. But it didn't work.

Here's what I would do in your situation. First, I would stop using ZZ. Some people are allergic to sulfur products, and it results in acne similar to what you described. Also, people develop allergies even if they didn't start out with allergies. So it could be an allergy. Second, I would replace ZZ with XFML or Fulio at night, every night but nothing in the day. Third, I would add "Carley's Clear & Smooth" acne cleanser once a day in the morning (use EXACTLY as directed). It's liquid benzoyl peroxide. Like with everything, it could take 2-3 months to see improvement with benzoyl peroxide. The great thing about Carley's is that it's liquid, so it penetrates the skin quickly and kills bacteria, and then you just wash it off your skin one minute later so that your skin doesn't get all red like it would do with BP cream. I highly recommend the product especially for small cluster-type acne.

Small cluster-type acne could also be due to a form of folliculitis. And folliculitis could be due to either bacteria or fungus. Good news is that folliculitis is easier to treat than acne, and the treatment results in a cure. But you better see a dermatologist for that. They have some topical products and some antibiotics you could take internally... So I'd wait about 3 months to see if the XFML + Carley's program worked first, and then I'd look into investigating folliculitis as a potential cause.

It could also be hormonal, due to oil secretion. The bacteria and mites thrive on that. For that problem, low-dose Accutane or Differin gel/cream might help. But I think ZZ's sulfur content would have also helped by now. Not sure. It could be a sudden occurrence. If so, then the larger question might be: why are your hormones overactive now? What changed? It might be an indication of an illness you're not aware of (such as ovarian or breast cancer). Probably not, but seeing a doctor for an exam is a good idea anyway.

Austin, Texas USA
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Post by Reny »

Thanks Stive,
I have been in USA not for along time and I am not familiar with your way to treat acne. In my country we don't use antibiotics for acne.
Maybe I am alergetic to sulfur, but I used zz 8 month without any big problem, exept this break out in time to time.
The theory for foliculitis sound to me right for my situation. But doctors know better. The problem is that i don't want to go to any doctor. I want to go to the person, that know about demodex. because usually when you have skin problems the first thing that thay say is hormonal problem.
And can you tell me where I can find "Carley's Clear & Smooth"? Maybe in drag store?
I am sorry for my speling I hope you undestand what I wright.
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Post by SteveInAustin »

Reny, where did you say you're from? Just about every country uses antibiotics to treat acne from what I've seen. I don't like them. I would only use topical antibiotics, personally. And even then, it gets into your system and begins killing the "good" bacteria in your intestines. So you get gas and diarhea and all that stuff. It's not good. And you end up having to be on the stuff for a long time, typically.

Accutane is a better approach, because it can result in a permanent cure or at least a permanent improvement. But it really messes you up (so many side effects!). That's why low-dose Accutane is what I'd recommend, no more than 20mg/day. But of course see a doctor. Don't self-prescribe. Oh, and Differin acts a lot like Accutane, but it's topical instead of systemic. So you don't get the side-effects. But Differin is very weak compared to Accutane.

See a doctor anyway about the possibility of it being folliculitis. They can give you something that you don't have to take for a long period of time. If it is folliculitis, it can be cleared up fairly quickly.

Yeah, before doing all of that try Carley's Clear & Smooth Acne Treatment (16oz.). You can find it for sale online at:

It's only sold online. You can't find it in stores. I love their soap bar, too. It's not medicated, but it makes my face feel good.

The Carley's product is fairly cheap. The bottle will last you about 1.5 to 2 months, so get 2 or 3 bottles. I highly recommend it. But read the directions and obey them completely. Don't use it more than once a day. Wash your face with soap, then rinse, then apply Carley's to your face for just one minute (up to two minutes is okay I've found), then rinse your face. If your face is turning red after using it, wash your face with soap after you apply it next time.

The liquid benzoyl peroxide will penetrate your pores and will instantly kill the acne bacteria. If it's caused by acne bacteria, it should start clearing after about 2 months, but give it 3 or 4 months before you decide to stop.

Austin, Texas USA
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Post by Reny »

Thanks Steve,
I ordered Clean &.....
I can't only understend:Shoud I use DS produkts with C&S?
Thanks again
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Post by SteveInAustin »

Reny wrote:Thanks Steve,
I ordered Clean &.....
I can't only understend:Shoud I use DS produkts with C&S?
Thanks again
Yeah, so here's what you do: In the morning, wash your face with soap and water. Then use Carley's on your face for just 1 minute or 2 minutes max. Then rinse Carley's off of your face with just water. Then dry your face with a clean, dry towel. Then you can whatever you want on your face for the rest of the day. You could use XFML during the day or night if you wanted. But stop using ZZ at all, because you may be allergic to it.

Have patience with Carley's. It may take 3 months to notice a difference.

Austin, Texas USA
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Post by Reny »

Thank you again
This realy work. I 've been useing C&S around 2 weeks and my face realy begin to clean. I steel have marks and some white spots but this is not the end of the world.Thanks Steve
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Post by SteveInAustin »

Reny wrote:Thank you again
This realy work. I 've been useing C&S around 2 weeks and my face realy begin to clean. I steel have marks and some white spots but this is not the end of the world.Thanks Steve
Carley's is pretty good. And if the anti-demodex creams weren't working for me, I'd be doing Carley's liquid BP. Write back after a few months and let us know how it's going for you. If your face is getting too red and irritated, use soap and water to rinse Carley's off of your face instead of just using water. That helps.

Austin, Texas USA
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