Can I use only the eyelash cream and get results?

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Can I use only the eyelash cream and get results?

Post by DB2285 »

I have both facial and ocular rosacea. But my facial rosacea is not characterized by p and p's so I actually have it under control with both Plexion and Finacea. The main problem is my eyes. I constantly get this white gook in both corners of my eyes all day every day. I started taking zyrtec a year ago and it helped a bit but no matter how many lid scrubs I use, I get this white stuff in the corners of my eyes. On top of that I have several purple blood vessels around my eyes particualarly on the outer corners where people tend to get crows feet. It is really dark purple. I just got a laser treatment today for my nose and eyes and I bruised so bad on my nose it looks like I dipped my face in grape jelly. Its like that a bit around the eyes too.
If I only use the eyelash cream will it help my poor eyes that are constanly blurry, itchy, and griity? I tried steroid drops a few years ago but I was told that it can lead to glucoma so I had to stop. Does the cream really work?
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Re: Can I use only the eyelash cream and get results?

Post by Walter »


Yes of course the eyelash creams works, against demodex mites………………………
If your problem is because of demodex mites (Which it is most of the time) then you can be sure it will work,
if you also treat your face yes or no with our products will not make a big difference as long
as you treat, if you stop treating your eyelashes, the mites will easily migrate back to your eyelashes,
of course, all in the presumption you have a demodex mites problem.
You wrote you had laser treatment for your nose,
do you have rhinophyma?
If yes, better treat with the ZZ ointment, almost sure it will heal.

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