new to the board, demodex mites need to go

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new to the board, demodex mites need to go

Post by Jewelz »

Hey everybody, my name is Julie, I'm a 21 year old female and I'm new to the board. I've been reading about demodex and it sounds like me. First of all, I worked at a nursing home for 3 years and everyone was breaking out in these mysterious rashes. Even though there was no "evidence" of the breakout being caused by scabies, the whole nursing home was treated for it- workers and all (permethrin). I've itched throughout my last year of employment there. In late March, I got really sick which gave demodex a chance to overpopulate because of my immune system being compromised. Then in the middle of April, my hair was coming out about 5-10 strands per comb. I went to a dermatologist and was prescribed Nizoral 2%... No improvement. I used all the dandruff shampoos because I had scaling on my scalp. No improvement. She also prescribed me prednisone which didn't help. It just made me really hungry. I had a scalp biopsy done and I had "low grade folliculitis". There was no fungal or bacterial cause. I have heard that demodex can cause folliculitis. She also thinks that I could have alopecia and that's why she keeps treating this as if it were an autoimmune thing.
However, I flake all over the place! My arms are starting to have massive amounts of flakes. My scalp continues to flake. My eyelashes and eyebrows are coming out a lot too. My face is also starting to flake.
I've ordered the X cream, the ZZ cream, the DS shampoo, the acarid removing soap, and the eyelash cream. Does this indeed sound like demodex to anyone? I will be using tea tree oil with my shampoo and taking borax baths until my products arrive. I just ordered today. Does anyone have any idea on how long it takes to get to the US? I am desperate. This mite (if indeed it is the cause) has made me look like I am letting myself go. I used to have perfect skin which is now a huge, flaking pore. I am getting only a few pimples but I never had any before. I also used to have really long hair which I chopped off in frustration. So any words of wisdom would be appreciated because this is making me feel like crap.
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Post by Minuca »

In all honestly, I never thought my brand new acnea was caused by mites. My dertatologist send me to have this test done, takes bits of skin, flakes etc and looks under a microscope - this is how I figure it out it is demodex follicular (there are different types). If possible, do a test like this one.. There is no cure for it in Europe, this is what the doctor told me, only a Chinese one - I belive this is the cure. I have ordered myself for two months now, I am so much looking forward to receive my creams! Try and see if you can do a skin test somewhere..
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Post by Walter »


We give you guarantee that those demodex mites will go using our products if used like it should,
best two times a day, one time in the morning and one time in the evening, if this is to much for your skin,
use only in the evening and go to sleep with it without removing or using something else,
the evening treatment is the most important one.

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Suffering with a different type of Acne

Post by jmcvey »

I just started using the Z cream and the XFML for my acne like symptoms. I have been diagnosed as having rosacea, although I mainly experience a mild flushing, and small pimples on my face. The pimples are my main concern, after seeing several dermatologist who cannot seem to diagnosis me except to say it must be rosacea. Many of these small pimples are under my skin surface as well, these pimples only appear on my cheek area. They do not contain any pus, they seem to be a hardened pimple that doesn't clear up at all. (they are not a red inflamed type pimple, as you see with acne)
I have to say it's been 6 years when I first noticed them, at first there were only very few. They are generally contained to one area on my face, below my cheek bone.
Just wondering if any one else has experienced this same type of acne?
I would love to hear your feedback . . .

It was suggested to me to research the demodex mite by a gal I've been ordering a skin care products from, I kept telling her after 6 months of using their product I'm seeing no results. Finally she told me I might be suffering from this type of mite. It started to make sense to me as I'm very familiar with bacteria and parasites in our bodies.

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Post by Rep123 »

Yes, your symptoms are exactly what mine were, red inflamed bumps under each cheek bone, started a few years back and slowly got worse, until I went for a run in 90 degree heat one day and they completely exploded.
So, go for the demodex solutions products. The zz cream is the best one. Just follow what Walter tells you to do. The zz cream and the acarid soap, every day. It will take time, but you will see that it is helping. Good luck
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Post by jmcvey »

I'm not sure you read my message correctly.
As I stated I Do Not have the red acne type pimple, they are small and contained in one area. Also they are under the surface of my skin.
But thanks for your comment as I do appreciate your reply.
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Post by Rep123 »

I read it correctly. I had the same thing, no they were not pimples that you could extract. Believe me I had the very same thing that you are describing. Maybe yours aren't red, but also under the skin like mine were. Just have faith that these products will work. It took a good 6 to 10 months, but all along I could see it getting better, which is more than I could say for my progress with all the dermotologist's products and perscriptions. I still owe the salon down the street $1500 for all the products they convinced me to use. Anyway, good luck again, keep me posted on your progress.
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Post by jmcvey »

Thanks for your input, it's just that I haven't come across anyone in the message board that has experienced symptoms close to mine.
It's also just hard to believe that my symptoms are rosacea related.

I am anxious to get a facial scraping done, but I'm not sure where to start. My last visit to the dermatologist was a total waste of time and money.
I left there with a prescription for Metro cream, and a good luck smile. I did inquire about a sample scraping and they had no clue to what I was talking about. I just re-ordered again so for now I'll stay committed to the program.
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