after-treatment/steroid concerns?

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after-treatment/steroid concerns?

Post by hjohns »

i've been using ZZ and XFML for about 7-8 months now. my case was quite severe but it has calmed down greatly and i'm quite happy with the treatment thus far.

recently my parents made me start on accutane since they think the demodex story is nonsense - even though these products have been the only things to help me in 2 years! anyway, i accepted a low dosage for my weight and haven't had any adverse reactions to the accutane yet.

my dermatologist and my mom have both been bothering me to give up the ZZ and XFML creams because "we don't know what's in it" and they have conveniently convinced themselves and each other that there could be cortisone or some other kind of topical steroid in these creams. i responded that i hadn't heard of anyone seeing complications with the treatments on this board, and they dismissed it because "you can say anything on the internet." they fear that after a full course (ie until cured) of ZZ and XFML, i would "rebound" off of the steroid and have more skin problems.

my question - does anyone know either way if there is a steroid in any of the DS products? has anyone had any kind of "rebounds" from coming off of them, as if to indicate that there are steroids?

i really want to continue this routine because whenever i undertake one of their harebrained "experiments" and give up my ZZ and XFML for a few days, my skin seems to stay the same or get a little worse.
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Post by Walter »

We can assure you there are no steroids, hormones, cortisone, pesticides or any other in long term bad ingredients in our products.
Don?t understand people so well sometimes, if there is a big brand name on the box they are even willing to accept the risks like for example with acutane, it is very dangerous for pregnant woman, a lot of side effects, probable makes some permanent changes to your skin and after some years the problems come back anyway.
Our products are completely safe, they work because they kill the demodex mites, not because some hidden bad ingredient inside, the only thing which can be questionable is the metronidazole in the Fumanling because an antibiotic but metronidazole is used so much in a lot of other products for many years that it is probably safe to say there is almost no risk, especially when used topically.

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Brady Barrows
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Accutane risks

Post by Brady Barrows »

Your parents and dermatolgist are worried about the Z or the X cream and have no worries about Accutane?

Try these links >

Accutane Side Effects >

The Accutane Team - Lawyers helping the victims of
Accutane >

Accutane Informed Choice > ... sage/33324

Accutane Vs. Minocycline/Tetracyclines > ... sage/33327

Accutane - Acne drug program targets birth defect prevention > ... index.html

Adventures in Accutane - A User's Journal >

Just go to google and type in ACCUTANE and you can find all the above links and many, many more showing the risks and side effects of accutane. Long term use, which is what is required to control acne and rosacea can damage your liver and who knows what else?

Yes, there may be side effects and risks with the Z or X cream but the ingredients are listed and all are harmless. The secret ones we will probably never find out since they are just that a secret. Coca Cola supposedly has a secret forumla and you will have to live with the consequences of drinking it, but most accept the risks. It is mind boggling to me how your parents can accept the risks of Accutane and dismiss the Z and X cream so easily. The products work. What more do you want? You want Accutane? Go for it. You will find out what Accutane does to you in the long run and don't say you weren't warned, because you were warned. Read the product insert that comes with every package of Accutane (if the pharmacist doesn't include it, you have the right to have a copy). Read about the side effects and risks.

I think it is safer to use the Z cream and X cream any day over the risks of Accutane. But it is your body and your choice. If you are of majority it is also legal to choose for yourself. If you are a minor, you may still be able to choose depending on your state. I would say you have a track record with the the demodex products that is worth more than any track record of Accutane.
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Steroids and havoc

Post by Marla »

Steroids interfered with my inflammatory process, which was keeping my acne in check. Once the inflammatory process was inhibited, the Demodex and bacteria had the freedom to reproduce, which they did with a vengeance the likes of which I never saw before.

Accutane did nothing for my daughter's skin at age 13. She not only suffered the scarring brevis type, but also had sheets of peeling skin. At age 13, there is hardly anything else that could be more inviting to taunts and cruel remarks. I was intimidated into agreeing to put her on Accutane by her doctor. (Like it was my fault that we had not done anything about it yet.)

Yeah, okay, the Accutane dries up the sebum. Simultaneously, the hardened sebum and excess skin sloughing was enough to trap the Demodex, which was contented to wait until more favorable conditions and then resume activity.

It's like taking an antihistamine for a cold or sinus infection: making the fluids into viscous stationary substances, leaving the infectious agents to linger in microbial bliss instead of being transported out of the body. As socially unpleasant as it might be, a runny nose is good.

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through with the 'tane

Post by hjohns »

i've been using DS cremes for a year's been getting progressively better with intermittent outbreaks of diminishing severity.

my parents made me start accutane because my acne had not fully subsided after about a year - but it was a terrible case, and i doubt accutane could have done that well.

anyway, i'm thinking i'm pretty much done with accutane. the dryness of my skin and the itching - oh god the itching - are unbearable. accutane has turned me into an insomniac; recently i've only been getting to sleep at 4am if i am lucky (i didn't sleep last night except for maybe an hour or two; it's about 9 am right now) and the itchiness isn't driving me out of my mind.

i haven't suffered any mental side effects from accutane, though. i guess i'm lucky for that. however, i think the severe dryness of my skin, lips, nose (i have had my first and only nosebleeds of my life while on accutane) really outweighs the benefits, especially when these creams do a better job.
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Post by Marla »

Dear hjohns,

Throwing Accutane at acne is like kicking an ant hill.

The Demodex mites try to migrate in search of sebum. The pores are blocked by sheets of peeling skin.

Before Walter's solutions, I itched constantly. The intensity of the itching depended upon changes in climate, and varied with the articles of clothing that I wore. Wool was the worst, and now that I know better, wool is not often washed, and infrequently dry cleaned. Wool harbors mite eggs. When I would put a sweater on, I might not itch right away, but the itching and acne came soon after the eggs hatched.

Rarely do I ever have an itch. When I do, I put ZZ ointment on the area immediately. No more itch. No subsequent acne. It is a relief to have these products available along with the knowledge Walter has shared.

Itching is not merely a nusiance, it's a sign of something present that should not be. ZZ is my rolled up newspaper in a world where the mosquito is not the smallest pest capable of causing an itch. :D
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Re: Accutane risks

Post by Marla »

I have never had a re-bound from these products. Never.

And I speak from experience with having used steroids for an unrelated problem prior to finding Walter, and the acne that subsequently erupted was indescribable in terms of severity.

That experience prompted me to find a way to fix it. I had lots of time to glean information from the Internet, and I was convinced that somebody somewhere had to know how to fix acne.

After a couple of years of wading through pap and fluff on the subject, I arrived at Walter's site. Me, my microscope, the products, and Walter's information stopped my tormenting and disfiguring acne. It's that simple. Sometimes simple is better.

Brady Barrows wrote:Your parents and dermatolgist are worried about the Z or the X cream and have no worries about Accutane?

. . . Long term use, which is what is required to control acne and rosacea can damage your liver and who knows what else?

. . . and don't say you weren't warned, because you were warned. Read the product insert that comes with every package of Accutane (if the pharmacist doesn't include it, you have the right to have a copy). Read about the side effects and risks.

. . . I think it is safer to use the Z cream and X cream any day over the risks of Accutane.
Dang straight! I was intimidated into putting my daughter on Accutane in 1983. I have nothing more to say about the results even though I could supposedly "say anything on the Internet."

Brady, thanks for the great compilation of links. I have work to do, I see.
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