Update and maintanance ?

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Update and maintanance ?

Post by tnguyen »

Hi ... before I had a major breakout out of no where, major cysts all over my cheeks and chin area...I been using ZZ cream for awhile now since Dec. 22, 2004. I used it obsessively for about 2 months, by then saw aceptable improvements, and after 2 months been using only on active pimples. Overall, i like the ZZ cream and the results. I also wash my face day and night with the ascarid soap bar.

For me, I rub it into my skin like lotion, and then I pat excess ZZ cream onto active areas including cysts. I'm not sure if that's the correct way.
WALTER, exactly, what is the recommended application procedure to use the ZZ cream?

How often and how do I use the ZZ cream when I want to go on the maintenance program?
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Post by Walter »


You will continuo to become better all the time till everything is gone but it is to soon for you to go on a maintenance program,
it is better to still treat the whole face then only using on your active pimples, you can spot treat additionally if it helps
to heal the spots but also do the whole face, no need to use a lot for the whole face, just a bit is enough.
The meaning is to get rid of the mites everywhere, not only on the active areas, in the areas without spots are also mites,
also do your ears with a tiny bit, many people with severe acne also get cysts in there ear ....., this is also because of the mites.
I a case like yours, with cystic acne, better to treat full for 6 months, then you can go on maintenance treatment,
like only in the evening every other or third day.
There is a contradiction in your mail, first you say that you only spot treat after 2 months and then, further down, that you
rub it into your skin like lotion, and then you pat excess ZZ cream onto active areas so the last is how you have to do.
The best way to use is after washing the face, dry it with a towel and on a slightly humid skin, put some tiny little dots of ZZ everywhere
and rub it in, spot treat if necessary, that's it, never forget the evening one is the most important so better to skip a day treatment
then a evening one if it is necessary.
You will see that you will continuo to improve, there can still appear spots but the frequency will become less and less
till it stops, don't forget to continuo the maintenance program later, even then, you over all skin condition will continuo to improve,
after a year or so you can skip even a week once in a while, what I do is when I had facial contact, I mean longer facial contact,
not just a little kiss, treating as soon as I can afterwards to prevent new mites from somebody else breeding again.
It is a pity this mite problem is so neglected, almost everybody is infested, otherwise most acne would be gone from this world.

all the best, thanks for posting and keep us informed if you have the possibility.

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