Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by braveheart »

ps - I think the allergic response to food has to do with how many of the mites are actually in my body. I have so many i think it has made my immune system hyper sensitive to pretty much everything! It is just a theory I am developing and obviously once the mites are all out, I'm hoping the immune response will settle down but who knows maybe I've been permantely damaged. I obviously do not know as much as I thought I did on how the human body works. I just can't believe how many mites I've picked off myself in the last couple of days. It is outrageous to my senses!
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by mcwick94 » ... sort=3&o=0 ... sort=3&o=1

Just posted two new pictures on photobucket. Let me know if they are viewable. I cant figure out where to add pictures
on a new post or reply by adding as an attachment at the bottom of the page as Walter has advised. I just dont see
that option anywhere.

I have been using the ZZ cream and Fumanling although sparingly, my face has not seen any improvement at all. Ive been using for almost 2 months. It hasnt gotten worse but not better either. Im prone to rashes on the sides of my face and an overall redness and enlarged pores but in the last 6 months I would wake up pretty much every morning with these blaring red welt like bumps. They are mostly on the lower half of my face and itch but every once in a while I will get one on my upper cheek. I got one this morning after applying the ZZ last night. They almost seem bite like and are very inflamed and large. This one didnt itch this morning but I put ZZ on it and Fumanling everywhere else. what are everyones thoughts about my face and if this is what the breakouts from the demodex dying look like. I already have very dry skin so applying the ZZ even with wet fingers is very hard to do
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by Walter »


I added the pictures here for you, don't understand why you don't see this option,
would it be possible to take a screenshot when you write a new message and email to me so I can see?
if to difficult, don't bother though.
and if this is what the breakouts from the demodex dying look like
Yes, can be
I send your pictures to the professor and asked what he thinks about it, will let you know his answer.

mcwick94-2.jpg (13.24 KiB) Viewed 57069 times
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by mcwick94 »

thank you walter, Im hysterical crying over this. Its been like this for sooo long. Even before zz treatment. There are rashes along the sides of my face and lesions all over my jawline. The jawline bumps itch and I'm not sure if this is a hormonal thing as I've had this before and not quite sure if its acne cysts or demodex dying and made worse by the zz. I have stopped the zz and only am applying the fumanling right now and sparingly at that. I feel there is no end for me and I dont feel like I am going to make it through. This doenst even show all the congestion in my chin area. There loaded with deep white plugs and there too numerous to count
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by braveheart »

I gave up dairy now for about a month and the other day I was having a huge craving for cheese pizza so I bought a gluten free pizza and really enjoyed it but now my face has been a red mess for almost 4 days. I bought some new stuff locally from a vitamin store called Clear 60 ultra gel. It had some great before and after photos literature and it wasn't too expensive. It does seem to soothe my face from the redness and of course I'm off cheese again. Diet for me seems really important. Of course the morgellons stuff is super freaky. I still really like but lately I found a quick utube video saying fast cure was bathing in sun powered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach and alfalfa tablets. Seems like it gets rid of all the black things and white things and fibers then the rashes/lesions etc. seem to clear up. I've tried bathing in borax and bleach. Not together as I am leery about mixing chemicals and I did notice huge amounts of whatever they are in the bottom of the tub. Still no word from my sisters lab samples.
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by mcwick94 »

any word face looks hideous and rashy in that picture. Its hard to look at. I had been applying the ZZ cream to this area and was unsure on whether it was the right thing to do as I wasnt sure if it was meant to be used more for acne type lesions rather that ecxema type rashes which are what seems to be on the sides of my face. The red lesions that itch are mostly are the jawline. Also what do you suggest for the congestion type of plugs that need to be dug out of my skin in my chin area and corners of my mouth?
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by eThaig »

Hi all, I have suffered for 35 years with acne, and now rosacea/acne. Every treatment known to mankind, you name it I've been on it for 35 painfilled years. I am caucasian, northern euro descent. So after yet another, probably 100th time of searching the internet, having suffered another excruciating breakout ( I would estimate close to 100 newly erupted pustules/edema swollen bumps) in just one week from what was totally clear skin (comes and goes now), at age 51, I may have found what works for me.
1) I am very convinced my malaise is demodex mites see the rosacea / acne before and after at this site. 3 weeks ago I looked totally normal, hiding in my home for the past 10 days, downing benedryl and icing my face because I suddenly once again look like the before pics: ... ~mainFrame

The main tip that brought me to the conclusion was reading about how demodex mites come out and mate at night. Countless nights (and dermatology visits explaing this odd phenomena) of itching, feeling like my skin is crawling, and the hour by hour increasing swelling bumps and irritation, only at night, from 5 pm on. Then I wake the next morning to a new crop of pustules.

2) so in reading about all the products that kill the mites, I read metronidazole was a key ingredient as well as ivermectin I realized I had some "fish zole forte" tablets in my cupboard. I crushed one up in water and rubbed it all over my face. INSTANT RELIEF. I MEAN INSTANT RELIEF. From bright puffy, oozing, throbbing red sores to normal color skin. I am a picker so there are a lot of scabbing open red marks, but they have all INSTANTLY turned from red to pink and in just a couple hours appear to be starting the healing up phase. We all wish for a miracle cure...this just might be it. Unbelievable.

I will also be taking 1 500 mg pill a day as my research indicates this is also a treatment.
Damn Dermatologist. 8 F*ing rounds of accutane in my lifetime. 2500 mg of Tetracycline 25 years ago. Every topical known to mankind. Thousands upon thousands and a lifetime of humilation and makeup trying to hide it.

Please respond if you find this cheaper at another website.

Hopeful again, for the countless time. Could something so simple change all this? 35 years my life has revolved around this terrible condition. I can't believe this might be all that is needed. I read they reproduce every 12 - 14 hours, so I will try applying this water/metronidazole paste twice a day and see what happens. I am grateful for the relief I am feeling at this moment.

Who knows, perhaps I will actually be able to go out of my house next week. I am a people person, so this disease has completely sucked the life out of me. It is amazing that I am married and have 3 kids and hold a steady job, but every day is a day of embarrassment that effects not only me but my family as well. I often wonder what I might have been, what I might have accomplished if it weren't for these damn mites.

I will send an update next week.
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Re: Should I start or shouldnt I? Help with pictures

Post by valentind06 »

mcwick94 wrote:You have been a lifesaver in answering my questions. I'm not sure why you have to download to view the pictures. I had the same problem but I cant figure out how to attach the file. I took pics from my phone and downloaded to my computer. Usually there is the word "attach" somewhere when you post things such as these but I didnt see it on here. My hesitance is in the breakout as you mentioned so of course I wanted to treat only a small portion of my face to see how I would react but your right in that I need to just do my entire face as Im sure the demodex will hit other areas of my face when they die. I very unsure how to apply the cream and which one to use. I have both the ZZ and the Fumaling with metro in it Self Stockage. Im already very dry and flakey and dont know if you can add moisturizer after the cream. Probably not. I like the idea of what you said about applying aloe before the cream, that sounds like the way to go. Can I ask how you spread it on your face and how much you use per area? Its good to hear from someone who didnt have an outbreak. I dont have active pimples just enlarged pores that fill with gross hardened sebum that I literally have to pick out and lots of red rashy spots. Sometimes in the center of my cheeks I will get a red raised bump almost like a bite. That has to be the demodex dying as it usually happens when I apply this tea tree oil I have or a seabuckthorn oil as well. I would love to see your pictures and hopefully someone can answer me on how to download mine. Thank you so much for you advise and input
You have to maintain your machine if you do not want it to die quickly. Like for example put oil.
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