Z cream and moisturizer

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Z cream and moisturizer

Post by anja »

It's been probably a year since I've used the z-cream, i used it initially for more of a slight rosacea problem around my nose and some occasional breakouts. The peeling, itchy rash never came back around my nose, but after many months of clear skin (even though I had totally stopped the cream), my face started breaking out again during a time when my hormones were really out of whack due to a new herbal program, and I started getting that telltale itching. I should have started the Z cream regime a few months ago when the weather was warmer with more humidity, but after only a few days, my skin is already extremely dry.

I know I used a light natural moisturizer while on the Z cream last year, and I can't remember the order in which I applied the 2 products. I feel like I want to put the moisturizer on first, but I'm not sure if that blocks the Z cream from getting into the pores. There is no petroleum in my moisturizer, it's noththing that should clog pores, and probably not much different than the oil your skin naturally makes, but would it be better to use the z cream first, as in the morning, and then maybe an hour later put on the moisturizer? I used to use Proactiv on and off, and that was drying, too. I would typically use my regular moisturizer and then use the Proactiv on top of it, and it still seemed to work (until it stopped "working" because it wasn't killing mites).

Incidentally, I don't want to use the cream with the metrogel in it, I want to stick to natural products, which I understand the Z cream to be. I assume I'll have to do continual maintenance at least until I feel my general health is good enough that my hormones are balanced and immunity is up, because my boyfriend is no doubt a carrier, though I rarely see a spot on him, and will continue to pass it back to me. (He would never use the cream.) I hate the smell, but I think I can put up with it maybe every other night!
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Post by Walter »

Best not to use anything together with the ZZ at all,
use the ZZ in the evening and moisturize during the day.
It will be best for you once you are ok again not stop completely but keep on using once in a while during the night to prevent them from coming back and give you problems again.

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Post by anja »

Thanks, Walter. I do use the Z cream twice a day, since I thought that was what I had to do during the initial treatment. Would once a day suffice? I would much prefer to use it just at night, but I want it to be effective. I think the last time I was dealing with the extreme dryness of twice-a-day Z cream, I was using the moisturizer in the middle of the day, several hours after applying the Z cream in the morning, and then using just the Z cream at night, with no moisturizer except around my eyes.

I do intend to use a maintenance dose after after a few months have passed. The only reason I stopped it altoghether was that my homeopathic program called for not consuming any mint or using products that contained mint, since it antedotes the remedy. I found out just recently that it's only an issue if the mint is used within one and a half hours of the homeopathic. so it turns out I could have stayed on the Z cream in the first place, as long as I timed it right. Live and learn...
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