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Post by Rob »

It seems to me that it would be nearly impossible to prevent reinfection. Lets say I stay at a girlfriends house or I simply touch my face, then I'm reinfected. I kiss a girl, reinfection. Furthermore, I have nice skin everywhere except on my nose, which is oily, pink, and has gigantic pores I mean they are huge. Therefore I only use the zz cream and metrodiazanole cream on my nose and a bit on the surrounding area.

Would it make sense, long after my skin has already cleared up, to simply continue using the zz cream at night or maybe everyother night as a maintance dose that way I wouldn't have to worry about reinfection?

I also continue to use Velvet Skin Coat by DHC. It is olive oil based and takes the shine and appearance of the massive pores as well as Dr. Hauschkas translucent make-up for the redness and to hide the pores further. I realize this is feeding the mites, but the thing is my skin on my nose is so oily as it is I can't see how these would make much of a difference. First I rub in the metrodazanole cream, second I mix the velvet coat with more metrodazanole cream and apply that, last I put on the make up. When I'm done my skin looks fairly normal, but without these things it looks disgusting.

Will the demodex solutions products continue to work even though I am using cosmetics? If they will still work but take longer to work I am completely okay with that because in the meantime I will look normal. I have been using the products for almost three months with a one week break because I ran out when I was in Europe. I am not sure if the change is all that noticable. My pores are still huge, I guess the redness is reduced but the skin on my nose is still extremely oily. I think the pores will always be huge. I am considering accutane for that, my dematologist said my situation was bad enough that he was willing to prescribe it, but I have heard some horror stories on forums about the stuff.
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Post by Walter »


It would be better for you to use only the ZZ ointment on your nose, not the Fumanling cream.
It is indeed almost impossible to prevent from being re-infected but in practice it is not such a big deal, no need to become paranoia from other people,
Just a kiss and/or a hand shake is ok, longer intimate contact like really hugging or sleeping face to face is an other thing of course but
to stay free it is enough to do a maintenance dose like every two day’s using the ZZ only in the evening.

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