Excellent success treating my rosacea

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Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by Charles »

I, like many others had been very skeptical that an over-the-counter cream from China that supposedly kills demodex mites would be helpful in eradicating rosacea. I had read reviews before but brushed them off and considered it as hype or B.S. and that I'd waste my money if I sent away for the ZZ Cream. - After seeing another success story at the Rosacea Forum, I finally decided to order the ZZ Cream, it arrived only a few days later. My rosacea symptoms were,: butterfly redness, inflammation and papules. When it progressed, I'd get an extremely blotchy red look to my complexion. Slight flushing/blushing. - I've been using it for about 7 weeks now and am a true believer in this product!! - I couldn't be happier with it, I saw results within a week and it has been slowly improving since I started. It has drastically changed the condition of my complexion, very smooth now, inflammation has been greatly reduced. NO blotchiness NO papules. - I've tried just about every treatment there is for rosacea. My Wife works for a large Dermatology Office as a receptionist, several Doctors, they are useless with rosacea in my opinion, what a waste of time and money. But that's another story.. I've had probably close to 75 IPL/Laser treatments over the past 15 years, maybe more.. from many different Derms/Docs, the rosacea was never erased, it returned quickly. Oracea, Clenia, Metrogel, so many I forget, ect. ect. I tried every prescription there ever was.

I wasn't going to sign up here and post, but I thought if this can do for others, what it's done for me, then I owe it to you people who are on the fence about trying the ZZ Cream. My 1st jar is almost empty, it will last me 8 weeks - I just ordered 2 more jars today.

I never thought Demodex mites were the cause of my rosacea, I'm extremely happy to have found a simple and inexpensive way to treat my rosacea. THANK YOU ZZ CREAM!!!! Thanks to Walter and the Doctor who invented this remedy, it works, plain and simple.

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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by mcwick94 »

could you provide pictures?"
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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by Charles »

I don't want to post pics, I don't have any pics of my rosacea, I either always have avoided the camera or deleted/thrown away any pics that showed my rosacea. It was a pet peeve of mine to have my picture taken, looking like that - I've been on the ZZ cream for almost 4 months now and can say it's wonderful. It has eliminated my rosacea.. I'm still using it every night, I'll taper off to every other night to save money, starting early September.

(1) jar of the ZZ last's me for exactly 2 months, I'll be starting my 3rd jar in a week or so. I figure that jar should last me for 4 months.. This product has been a life saver for me, I hope everyone has the success that I've had and in such a short amount of time. Truly amazing.
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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by mcwick94 »

its a shame charles that you cant post something now or is your face totally clear? Things are more believable when you can actually see them otherwise people are always skeptical. Here is mine:
photo-29.JPG (28.79 KiB) Viewed 30746 times
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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by Charles »

UPDATE: I have been using the ZZ cream only 2-3 times a week, am still completely clear of rosacea, don't even think about it anymore, not worried about how I'll look every morning when I wake up, no fear of physically exerting myself at work all day and having a red face, life is good again.

p.s. The only downside is, my Wife hates the smell of it when I do use it at night before going to bed, I just laugh and think, what a small price to pay! THX ZZ!
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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by mcwick94 »

A pic is worth 1000 words
Posts: 77
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Re: Excellent success treating my rosacea

Post by mcwick94 »

so what is that in response to? Did you have success with the creams?
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