URGENT NOTICE: In the U.S., a tiny white flying insect, arthropod, or parasite is infesting the cloths of new garment retailers. Shoppers beware!!
People are contracting a tiny white parasite from clothing of retail stores or other sources. This pest is neither a mite nor a flea. It's not lice. Because it's airborne and breeds really fast, it's extremely difficult to control and get read of. I’ve discovered one other parasite victim. I’ve been told other victims exist nationwide.
Please pay close attention as I describe the physical attributes and symptoms of this pest. If someone has this pest, they will see 3 types of White things:
1) tiny round things about the size of a spec of salt; some are a little larger
2) tiny, oblong shaped, things that look like a piece of thread or fiber; varies in length from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long (It grows.) **It unfolds itself to fly. It crawls also.
3) slightly larger round white things that jump.
I see #1 and #2 most often.
If someone has this pest, they will have the following physical symptoms:
1) Bites that sting
2) Red skin rashes and/or small red bumps
3) Lighting sensations; Victims will feel the pest or its eggs lighting on their skin.
4) Optional: Itching **I don’t itch, but another victim has an itching problem.
If you have this pest, it will create both physical and environmental issues. It's not limited to your hair, clothing, and body. It will infest fabric and non-fabric items. This insect/arthropod/parasite will be all over the place! ie, your pocketbook, car, etc.
Pest Control---I haven't yet found a pesticide that completely removed the pest and its eggs. I spray every day. Due to fast breeding, the infestation does not go away. This is a relentless pest!
**This pest is not related to Morgellon/Fibre Disease.
Entomologists, Health Departments, medical doctors, and pest control companies aren’t familiar with this pest. Some professionals will claim there’s no such thing. Others will give you a false diagnosis. Therefore, it's difficult to get help.
If you have any information on this pest or if you know anyone who is infested with it, please write me at: twfparasite(at)yahoo(dot)com (Use the "at" symbol and period.)
Thanks for your time and assistance.
Insect / Parasite Infested Clothing
Moderators: Julia, Walter, Administrator
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:29 pm
Insect / Parasite Infested Clothing