Is sweating really THAT bad?

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Is sweating really THAT bad?

Post by crzyakta »

Since I started running (about 2-2.5 miles) outside in the summer heat, I get really sweaty, but I come home and take a shower right after (and apply ZZ cream 10 minutes after shower)

It makes me feel great, but I do get sweaty, and my hair is is like 3 inches long and hangs down abit at front, I noticed after running for 1 week straight the acne I had cleared up from ZZ cream on forehead and eyebrows (and temples) started slowly what to do!?

PS been on ZZ for almost 1 month now, twice a day with SBT soap
Posts: 206
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Location: Austin, Texas USA

Post by SteveInAustin »

I think what you described sounds like what happened/happens to me when I sweat. You can minimize the problem by washing right afterwards. That's the only way to deal with it.

The theory is that the sweat carries the mites from the top of the head to your face and back. So it's important to wash as soon as you can.

The good news is that the acne that forms from this goes away quickly once you apply ZZ to it. Sometimes all it takes is 2 days, and they're gone.

Also, when you towel off your sweat, use a clean towel each time you workout. Don't reuse the same towel you used before. Some people do that.

Austin, Texas USA
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