Is it time to switch?

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Is it time to switch?

Post by Rep123 »

OK, the left side of my face erupted back in beginning of March... I had been on Metrogel from my derm, but wasn't impressed. Since March I have been going to a local esthetician who seems to know alot about the topic of Demodex mites, she was the first one to explain to me what was really going on with my face. But now, 3 months later and over $1000 in products and light treatments, my face looks exactly the same. And the regime... you wouldn't believe, first wash w/ special cleanser (that's fine), then the PH balancing spritzer, then the oil reducing bioarome serum, then once that dries, the MicroGel that supposedely kills the mite, then one or two other products depending on the weather that day, plus three different kinds of vitamin supplements! Good grief, it's alot to deal with, and if I thought it was working I would have no problem with it, but there doesn't seem to be ANY improvement, or very very little if so. So, my question is, is 3 months long enough for me to say I've tried, it's not working, time to switch to the ZZ cream from DS? I've been reading this site quite a bit, but am very scared to make a change, don't want it to get worse. Please let me know what you think!
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Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 2:10 am

Post by Rob »

If you read the FAQ on this site, in clinical trials, the zz cream was 93.46% effective at curing the problem and 99.7% effective in reducing the symptoms. Are you likely in the 93.46%? In other words, is your rosacea/acne more severe than 93.46% of the population who suffer from the condition, likely not. Those are numbers simply don't exist for any other acne/rosacea treatment, success rate for things like retin-a and metrolotion alone are much much lower. I don't even think accutane is as effective. According to the FAQ, your condition will worsen temporary. What with decomposing mite corpses under the skin breeding bacteria what do you expect? All acne treatments cause initial breakouts, its unavoidable. Drink plenty of water and look forward to the day of better skin.

Mine has improved in as little as two weeks. And I have tried: Metrolotion, Retin-A, differin, tea tree oil, every over-the-counter under the sun, veganism, no dairy, vitamins, horsechest nut extract, topical clindamycin phosphate, sulfur products, the Dr Hauschka line of products, the list goes on and on.
Posts: 30
Joined: Wed May 31, 2006 1:26 pm


Post by Rep123 »

Yep, I hear ya. I'm gonna order the DS products now, and keep using what I have until they arrive. Can you tell me, I was going to order the ZZ cream and the soap, but do you think I will need the other cream as well? (Xin cream? not sure what the difference is between the two).
Thanks very much for replying, I appreciate it.
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