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Here we go!

Post by Rob »

Okay I have "pre-rosacea" on my nose. It all started when I was about 12 years old. I use to burn my nose to the point where it would scab over. After the last time I burned my nose to that level, my mom suggested that I use makeup to cover up the redness after the scab was gone until the redness went away. Big mistake! The way I see it, it created the perfect breeding ground for the demodex mites: Severly compromised skin with a nice coating of thick makeup to keep them cosy. The redness never went away. It just got worse. Capillaries dilated, pores enlarged, they filled with yellow pus like substance (dead skin, oil, bacteria, and demodex mites). I had created the perfect environment for them.

I am 22 now. My skin continued to become even more oily and the pores became enormous. My dad has big pores as it is, so I already had a genetic predisposition. I went to the derm and tried lazers for the capillaries and the smooth beam for the pores. Not much success. I started metrogel and retina-a micro. They helped some. Then my GP, an integrated medical doc, recommended topical clindomycin. I began using all three meds. It made an enormous difference in redness and size of the pores. A large part of the problem must have been infection and with super oily skin with clogged pores, this made perfect sense. But there was still redness, large clogged pores, and even more oil skin. Never alot of acne though, very mild, a couple pimples here and there.

I also have mild keratosis pilaris on my upper thigh. Thankfully, I'm a guy so this is not socially a problem. But anyways, I was on the site and found a link to this site. I am so glad I have KP or I may never have stumbled upon demodex. I have classic symptoms described on this site and I am sure this is going to work. My rosacea is already under fairly good control as it is. I just got the fumanling cream and the acarid soap I tolerate both very well. I am lucky enough to tolerate metrodanozole(spelling) extremely well. I am sure I can completely rid myself of this problem thanks to these products.

I can't wait to my pores shrink to a normal size. Will oil production decrease too? The skin on my nose is the only oily place on my face and I think it is a direct result of the mites. After a month I am going to get pore extractions to expose the mites even more. Thanks for these products, I can't wait for the results.
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Post by SteveInAustin »

My experience is that oil production will decrease. The theory is that you overproduce oil because the pore is clogged with mite corpses and mite feces. It's using the oil to flush the pores, and it has trouble doing that because the mites are so large and irritating. After you get rid of the mites, the pores can rest and don't have to produce as much oil. So they don't. Pore size should decrease somewhat, also.

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Post by Rob »

thanks for you help steve. I am gonna try the packing tape too, sometimes the microderm is a little irrating I admit. I thought the mites produce no feces though? I though I read on the site that their metabolism is so efficient that they produce none, that's extremely strange though. Nevertheless, decaying dead mites has to be a breeding ground for all kinds of nasty infections. I am staying on the topical clindomycin so that the bacteria feeding off the dead bodies stays under control. I really don't think my immune system is weak though. I am other wise very healthy. I never get inflections anywhere else. I just think that there are so many mites living in the pores on my nose that my system is overwhelmed with toxins and bacteria.
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Post by SteveInAustin »

Really? I thought they did produce feces. I'll have to look into that.

Another thing to realize is that people can have great immune systems for everything except the skin. Like myself, I don't get the flu or anything else. And cuts and scratches are healed fairly quickly without infection. And yet I have acne. And I had a nasty toenail fungus once, and athletes foot. And I occasionally have red eyes due to some sort of bacteria, virus, or fungus. And if I didn't blast my mouth with fluoride mouth wash, I'd have cavities all the time. So my immune system is fine for stuff inside of my body where blood is immediately in contact with it, but for stuff on the outside where there is no blood, it's not so good.

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Post by Marla »

SteveInAustin wrote:And if I didn't blast my mouth with fluoride mouth wash, I'd have cavities all the time.
Steve, I have suspicions about fluoride. I have documentation regarding a family's timeline involving fluoride exposure. I have not examined it closely enough to report or comment formally.

Nevertheless, I urge you to reconsider the fluoride treatement. According to some sources, the fluoride that is added to water supplies is a silico-something compound, and it comes from the smoke stack scrubbers at chemical fertilizer manufacturing facilities.

I have come across further information that suggests that the enormous quantity of the fluoride by-product was sold to the public in the '50's as a solution to two problems: 1) what to do with the by-product; and, 2) promotes healthy teeth.

Teeth that contain fluoride compounds are yellow-orange. Fluorine is orange. It replaces the carbonate structure.

And, as if that isn't enough, fluoride has been shown to promote bone growth, although in an irregular manner. The body lays down bone cells neatly, whereas fluoride compounds do not. Bone strength is compromised by this irregular formation of new bone.

I have yet to verify this information, and it is a daunting task since the information is spread across many disciplines which do not readily share research results.

I suspect that many a great person has prematurely dissolved into dust due to a factor such as fluoridation.

Disclaimer: . . . [Make something up to put in this space so I don't get bludgeoned on the way to the store or something for posting this.]

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Post by SteveInAustin »

All I know is that my dentist recommends it. And when I don't use fluoride, I get cavities. I just recently went for a tooth cleaning / checkup with a new dentist. It had been 6 years since my last visit. The dental hygienist remarked, "It's as if you had a professional cleaning yesterday. I see nothing that needs cleaning." Hahaha. Gotta love it. My routine is: Morning: Brush teeth with a fluoride-free toothpaste (Jason Natural), rinse with tap water, then rinse with fluoride mouth wash (Fluorigard for example). Night: Brush teeth, rinse, floss teeth, rinse with water, then rinse with fluoride mouth-wash. Result: No cavities after years. Prior to using fluoride, I had the same program (without the fluoride mouth wash but with fluoride toothpaste), but I ended up having dozens of cavities over the years. No more.

So fluoride appears to work for fighting cavities. And I've seen no side-effects using it in a mouth wash. True, if you end up swallowing lots of it, maybe it's a problem. But I spit it out after rinsing with it.

Teeth don't become yellow-orange from fluoride I believe. There is a caution that too much fluoride in drinking water as a child may cause very white patches to appear in teeth. This is when the teeth are just forming, and so the fluoride can affect its color. But it's not yellowish, it's actually porcelain white. Adults get yellow/orange teeth from simply not brushing and chronic staining due to food particles and smoking especially.

I suspect maybe you've heard fluoride is bad from a non-scientific or alternative source. Who knows why they think that. Probably because they think that putting anything in drinking water is a conspiracy against them, and they fear it. They should be more afraid of what would happen if they didn't have that fluoride.

My opinion anyway.

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I'm okay with it.

Post by Marla »

I do not fear fluoride, and I do not fear my water supply. I don't drink tap water because I don't like the taste.

I don't even go out of my way to avoid fluoride.

Remember when toothpaste came out with fluoride? Was a big deal. Everybody had to have it. Gradually, the packaging scaled back the fluoride as the main feature. Then, the packaging began to advise caution when using with children.

I'm okay with fluoride. I just don't want more of a certain form of it than is ordinarily encountered through occasional ingestion of treated water.

But that's just me. I'm not seeking a consensus.
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Post by Rob »

Okay, I am breaking out with mild acne which is a good thing because its a sign the products are really working. I used to get a couple of pimples now and then having about 3 small ones on average. I am glad I found such awesome products. I bought 4 more of the acarid soap. And bought the ZZ ointment and will start using that at night and the Xin Fumanling cream in the day. The redness on my nose is subsiding as well. I think the oil production is down, its still oily though, very oily. The pores are still big.

I have an appointment at the dermatologist on monday to do pore extractions. I figure this can only help to push out a bunch of the mites, make the creams more effective by allowing them to go deeper into the pores, and give my pores a chance to shrink some.

After my skin is all cleared up, I'm going to do the lasers to rid myself of the spider veins in the nose area.
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Post by Rob »

The break out actually seems to be over. I have no new pimples and the old ones are basically all healed up. The redness on my nose is slight at best and continues to improve. I can't imagine what it will look like a month from now and once I start the zz ointment.

I will keep updating for the purpose of positvie feedback because there seems to be alot of negative feedback on the forum. As Walter said on another post, people who have positive results don't bother to use the forum because they have no problems. Therefore I will post so that people who haven't bought the products can have some objective information regarding results.
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Post by Rob »

I got the pore extractions at ther dermatologist tofay. Big mistake, I left with bright red spots on my nose that took all day to go away. Next time I am going to the spa where facials are soothing and they steam the pores so that they don't need brute force for extraction.

Coincidentally I got the zz ointment today and used it about 10 minutes ago. I was worried I might burn what with the glycolic acid treatment at the dermatologist today. It didn't burn at all. In fact it was a little soothing, kind of like icy hot. And with that smell it is definitely going to kill something. This stuff definitely feels and smells much stronger than fumanling cream.

I was wondering though. Since it contains zinc oxide wouldn't it have protection from the sun? I live in tucson, arizona and NEED to wear sunscreen its not optional, especially in the summer, but I do not want to negate the power of the zz ointment or fumanling cream
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Post by toronto »

any update?
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