My sisters lab results came back

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My sisters lab results came back

Post by braveheart »

She had squeezed out a black spec/lint/fiber thing for her Dr. and she sent it to the lab. Took forever to come back but they said it was a fungus. A naturally occuring fungus that all humans have and they can't really cure it. They don't have much to help. Maybe some expensive creams but really when it is all over your body what can you do but try the Dettol/vinegar/tto/espon salt/bleach soaks. Anyway one aspect solved. The biggest one for my family. I knew it was some sort of fungus/bacteria thing. The way it grew and kept coming day after day it wasn't anything sexual but then there are still all the funky white wormy granular hard shell like other stuff but at least one aspect is solved the biggest one for me. Fungus. yhea :)
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Re: My sisters lab results came back

Post by mcwick94 »

I watch a guy named doug kaufmann who does a show called Know the Cause and he claims most health isssues and skin conditions all stem from fungus. He has a specific diet called the Phase One diet to cure it all. Basically its no sugar or grains. Only eggs, minimal fruits and lots of meat and vegetables. Ive done it for some time and its not hard to do at all but I have an intolerance to egg so its very difficult for me as everything he prepares has egg in it. I know my seborheic patches of redness on the sides of my face act up when I eat even the smallest amount of bread. I have been applying the ZZ here in this area and it doesnt seem to help. I will go away and reflare despite applying every single night for months. Im getting very discouraged after several months of ZZ and fumaling treatment. Its not really getting worse but Im not seeing any changes at all. Its still gritty and plugged and not smooth. My pores and texture are not improving yet either. Any ideas anyone?
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Re: My sisters lab results came back

Post by braveheart »

Do you have trouble with coconut oil plugging your pores? and if so are you sure it is the oil plugging your pores and not the crud coming out of them because of the oil? You must look closely with a magnifiying glass and makeup mirror. If you can tolerate coconut oil slather it on and pick off any gunk with good tweezers. Try almond oil or extra virgin olive oil if you need a lighter oil. Diet is critical. I can't eat any wheat or dairy,no even yogurt cheese especially makes me flare. So you are on the right track with watching what you eat. You may want to try glycerine or apple cider vinegar. I find the glycerine a bit sticky for my liking but I do wipe face/body with vinegar and try to drink it sometimes. yuck...haha

You can also eat the coconut oil. It helps heal leaky gut syndrome and alzheimers and gets rid of candida. I try to get 4 tbs per day into me but I'm lucky these days if I can get one in the morning and one at night. Also drinking Apple cider vinegar is very beneficial. Raising Ph, creating a salty environment all that stuff helps combat fungus/mites/bacteria/ etc etc. If you want some more ideas the best site that put together all this info is bellow. I personally think the magnetic thing is a bit out there and even without getting all caught up in the politics of what it is or not .... because I followed a lot of the advice on that website I am finally getting better. Like I'm eating the essential oils he recommended 3 days on and 3 days off. and dealing with any low grade parasite issues that may have snuck in as a secondary thing to the fungus and mites. well I just keep feeling better and better!
One think I've added is an otc anti fungal cream all over my body after bath. I tried micatin and now on something with a c and will try tinactin next they say more than 4 weeks of applying cream onto spot.(whole body!) It is too bad it takes so long it can get so discouraging. Dont quit right before the miracle! haha :)
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