Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

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Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Dionne »

My story sounds similar to alot of others apart from I wish that the bugs would bite me and leave a mark on me then perhaps the doctor would actually believe me. My bugs tickle all over the body, especially when it is cold they drive me crazy, I have had visits to the doctor on numerous occations,the pest control have fumergated my house to no avail. I have tried removing all my carpets and replacing with wooden floors and even actually moved house. I can't be the only person with this problem.

I have now been suffering from this condition for at least 8 years + it all started when I took a blanket out the cuboard which my mother had given me to put on the bed, at the time I had a friend who was staying over night. We both started itching it was as if there were fleas in the blanket. I took the blanket straight of and the next day chucked the blanked away. The next day I could still feel things tickling all over me but when I looked there was nothing there. I called pest control who fumigated the house and fumigated the house but they were still there, When the pest control first fumigated the house I thought I could see tiny white clear tear shaped things, but don’t see anything anymore. I went to the doctor who prescribed I think some kind of scabies treatment. Basically I have been to the doctors on numerous occasions and seen different doctors who say I just have to get use to it.
: I have tried everything like I said from bleaching to sprays, moving house, getting rid of clothing, bed and carpets everything! even if I stay at someone else’s house I still feel them, Friends have stayed and they say that they don’t feel them, I would say that it is my imagination apart from my current boyfriend say’s that he feels them and is not happy that he seems to of caught them off me.
: For me they are at their worst when it is cold, when it is night time and the temperature drops they become very active, I don’t feel them if I am in the bath or undressed it is more if there is clothing next to my skin. If I go out and have a drink that seems to slow them down and once the alcohol is out of my system I start to feel them once again. Everything I can do to get rid of them I have tried.

: I do worry about what they are actually doing to me are they causing any long term effects apart from of course driving me crazy + I really don’t want anyone else to catch them.

I have recently read an article of Demdex mites, the symptons sound very similar apart from I don't have any kind of Acne/ skin complaint, apart from like i said the tickling / itching feeling as if something is walking on my body.

Can you help


Dionne :cry:
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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Walter »


Personally, I don’t think your problem is demodex mite related,
they can never infest somebody in such a short time like it happened with you
and create the symptoms like you experienced almost immediately.
Even scabies takes a while before you feel them because first the immune system needs
to start to react to get that itchy feeling.
Most people have already demodex mites from they are small, infested by other persons
and most of us never have a problem with them, luckily…………………….
What I would do if I was you is buying a microscope, doesn’t need to be sooooo expensive,
a magnification from 40X and 100X is enough, a good lighting system is however important.
Then try to find whatever is on your skin,
you can use transparent tape to catch them from your skin,
put tape in your bed for a night and examine next day, just put the tape
on a glass slide with the sticky side on the glass,
scrape your skin with a little knife and put the specimen on a glass slide etc.
If you are patient, and there is indeed something on your skin, you will get it one day and then at least,
you will know what the problem is.
You will need to learn how to use your microscope, to identify what you see etc. but that’s all
not so difficult.
If it is a parasite which lives on the skin, then it never can be sooooo small so should be possible to find,
if it would be a parasite who lives in the blood then it is a other case but then again, you would not have felt
the symptoms so fast in that case.

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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by changeswillcome »

read this whole website

might help. My bf said the same things to me: my fault.

I use to itch mostly at night in my sleep. They hate cold. If it's them.
In 2004, I bought 20 Muleteam Borax: natural laundry booster. (walmart) I started bathing with it in the hottest water that I could take. Wash sheets every day. Got pillow covers, plastic mattress cover. Wash clothes in hot water, and bleach and Borax. Can put in carpet, too.
I swear: red sores popped out every where all over my body: head to toe! I didn't know about this website; yet until 2007. I got about 10 open holes on my body. I have scares from them to this day. They kind of looked like chicken pox holes. Now they are scares that don't tan. The holes were deep and took months to heal up. I don't know if you have what I had? I had hundred of black "dots" pop out of my skin. not black heads. black dots that I could scrape off my skin with finger nails. Itching: I itched worse all just took months for my body to heal. I changed my eatting habits, drinking habits, ect. I was enlightened! Non of this started happening until I went to the suana at the gym in 2004. I started itching real bad one day and had rashes all over my body. feet, legs, knees, butt, back, stomach, arms, hands, neck (hundred all over my neck!), head, and face! Bad pimples: worse I had ever had. (2004) I was having depressing / emotional problems over this! I itched all the time. I felt biting 24/7!
Now in 2008, it's not 100% better, but I don't have the full effect of what I use to have in 2004.

April-May 2008: I use these product now, and the first week my face got bumps on cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, eyebrows, ears, sides of my head and hair line. I have the most bumps on my chin and the most itching on my nose and ears!

I take really hot baths daily and I use a scrub brush on my body. I take vitamins (doing a cleanse right now for 14days with vitamins from healthfood store). I drink a ton of water and real green tea daily.

My best advise is DO NOT GIVE UP. You should be able to buy the soaps on here for your body. It's worth a try. (tea tree oil lotion helps, too: my opinion it's not enough just using that) I also have tea tree shampoo. I use the shampoo sold on here, and the soap and the daily cream & night cream.

Best wishes :D
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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Dionne »

Hi Walter, Thanx for getting back to me so quickly, I have had a look on ebay and they have some pocket microscopes 100x, which are pretty cheap so i'm going to purchase one, hopefully I'll then me able to find what the bug is. I'll keep you posted.

Yours hopefully
Dionne :)
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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Walter »


Maybe you can give me the link from that microscope on ebay?
I will have a look if it is ok if you like.

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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Dionne »

New Pocket LED Illuminated 100X Microscope Magnifier


Powerful 100X reading microscope magnifier
Focus dial for personal perfect vision quality
Reading scope scale at 0.05mm division (min unit)
Bright LED light provides enough light at any dim conditions
Slide the battery pipe then LED is on, close it to turn off LED
Powered by 2 AA batteries (not included)
Comes with a pouch.

Hopefully it will be ok as I've now put a bit in for it.
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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by mitesexperience »

I thought I was infested with Mites....

After returning from a holiday where I snorkelled the Barrier Reef, I became convinced that I was infested over my entire body with tiny black surface mites. This wasn't helped by finding a few nits(lice eggs) in my hair.

I was stung on the neck while swimming but didn't relate this a few days later to the sensation of my entire body being bitten (like needle pricks) and crawling (tickling sensation) with mites (I could remove these tiny black specks with duct tape tape, even though I was continually washing, scrubbing and covering myself with every insect exterminating concoction I could dream up).

I was terrified of giving them to the rest of the family and so isolated myself and spent my day washing all clothes and bedding and scrubbing and disinfecting myself. When I searched the internet I found others with what appeared to be the same dillema.

What I did wrong:

I assumed I had mites, after all I could feel them and see them, or what I thought was them and then tried to erradicate them myself by using some dangerous chemicals (could have given myself chemical dermitology).Also a naturopath sent me off in the wrong direction by saying he new of these 'mites' and recommended my taking lemon myrtle tea baths daily for 6 weeks.

What I should have done:

The first thing you do is to see a medical doctor and have 'them' analysed/identified under a microscope.

I eventually did send specimens off to a Mite Specialist for identification only to be told they were neither mites nor organic.

On then seeing a specialist doctor he believed the sting I received while snorkelling had set of a severe nerve reaction causing the symptoms I experienced. I still am puzzled by the black specks that existed then, but not afterwards. I feel they were coming out of my skin.

Human mites generally live under the skin (scabies) if present for extended periods, or feed of a night time (bed bugs) and live away from the body during the day.

My Advice after this whole crazy scenario:

See a qualified medical practition firstly if you think you have mites and have them properly identified before embarking on any treament.
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Re: Invisible mites no bites just tickling feeling

Post by Dionne »

Thanx for that, I have made a couple of appointments to see a private Doctor but kind off backed out due to the costs + feeling a embarassed. My x partner went and was given a skin biopsy but nothing was found. I have just tried to put up with them really, thinking it can't be cured.
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