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brown marks on face

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:51 pm
by Tiffany
hi all'
I have been using the acarid soap twice a day and the x cream during the day and the z cream in the evening when i get home from work and wash my face. sometimes i have to wash my face again at work.
My problem is well i been using the products since October 8, ( appx 2 months)i had my big gigantic break out then and recently i broke out again but just not half as bad. the only thing different that i was doing was puting mineral oil on my scalp and hair daily since my scalp is so dry. also i think i read a posting that the mites hate mineral oil. lord and behold i couldn't get my face clear of the dreadful redish bumps. do you guys think that the mineral oil pissed them of. also i notice since i started with the demodex treatment every 15 days or so which i guess is when they hatch i feel them moving again and it make me feel like a insane person then i get depress. thats when i use the lotion for the scalp and it helps some what. my question do you guys feel the mites moving about around the 15th day as i do. also,, my skin has so many brown marks from where the bumps were. it's pretty embarrassing to say the least. and to make matters worse i take immunosuppresant meds. so i am wondering if i am fighting a lost battle. walter said that i can still rid of them providing my immune system is not bad and it is not i am pretty helthy and i don't get sick. i just need to take the meds since i have IBS, but the with the meds everything is under control, except for the mites issue. also i feel like a feeling to scratch like if something is moving during the day, is it the mites or is it that sensation that walter talks about. can any one comment. marla, steve, walter what do you guys think.. hey walter are you still out there. can any one make heads or tale out of all this. also i change pillow cases everyday and wash all linen once a week, i also use a clean towel and wash cloth everyday and once i am done with my clothing i don't reuse not even my pajamas. i keep house clean. i have a pet dog very small dog but he is clean and i do not touch him since i started the treatment.. poor puppy.thanks again.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:29 pm
by Tiffany
hi everyone,
well lets see. my gastroenterologist took me of the immunosupressant med thank god and i am only taking asacol which is not a steroid so, hopefully i have a better chance of getting rid of the mites. i am still with the demodex treatment of course and i just reach my 2 month and two weeks mark. my face still gets red and i am still breaking out not as much but allways with red looking pimples. so hopefully the mites are dying of. hopefully things will get better soon. i am looking forward to a clean complexion. i wish everyone a Merry Christmas....
Oh and i still have a zillion brown marks on my face from the breakouts...