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Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:07 pm
by 2007
Hi everyone, i only recently found out that i have demodex hair mites.
I have mites in my chest, upper arms, bac, neck, face, forhead and scalp.
I have been using these products 4 months now and feel alot better but there not all gone yet, obviously need more time to continue treatment.
My hair loss is the worst effected part, the way to describe it is like for example picture a block of cheese and a mouse taking little bites out from it, that's the way my hair looks now.
Looks horrible because hair is not even, like chunks are gone from many areas.
Just wondering when all the demodex hair mites are finally gone will i be able to get my hair restored to normal over time ?
Or must i consider other options to restore my hair like using oils/ lasers/ hair transplants etc ?

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:26 am
by Walter

If the reason fore your hair loss is indeed demodex mites
then you need nothing else to do than treating,
once they are gone, your hair should grow back normally.


Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 11:58 pm
by 2007
Hi Walter thanks for your reply.
I hope my hair will grow back normally after the demodex mites are gone, i am pretty sure my hair loss is due to this because my scalp and upper body has been very itchy and oily for about 10 years and it wasn't because dandruff.
Since i have been using products from demodex solutions my scalp and body gradually is clearing up and less itchy crawling feeling but still a little bit.
So it sounds like that my hair loss is due to hair mites.
When there are finally gone, how long does it normally take to grow damaged hair roots and bald patches back ?

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:03 pm
by Walter
3-4 months


Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:40 am
by 2007
Walter i forgot to mention that i have swolen nose and forehead due to demodex mites, how long will it take for these to go away ?
I have been using the zz ointment for 5 months now but no improvement yet.

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:41 pm
by braveheart
I've been reading about how dry mustard kills the demodex mites within seconds. There is a big forum thread all about it over on the lymes board. Here is the link. ... re-videoed
I read a page a day. There are good videos of the mites too and great ideas to get rid of them fast. Most sufferers also have Morgellons so there is a lot of cross information.
Here is the link to Toni's mustard info ... index.html

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:16 pm
by 2007
Hi Braveheart,
Thank you for your message.
Just wondering do you have demodex hair mites and did you get rid of them by using the mustard routine ?

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:58 pm
by braveheart
I have something going on and I just used the mustard in my shampoo this morning. I plan on making a soaking all night tonight. Going to mix coconut oil, olive oil, mayonaise for the nice shine and mustard stick a cap on and sleep all night. I did this once before without the mustard and my scalp felt so good and my hair looked awesome for weeks. I put the mustard on my face last night with a mix of oils and lotions and honey to top it all off. face skin looks pretty good today and no itchy irritation so just something new to add to the demodex/morgs/bacteria whatever it is war. :)

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:36 am
by 2007
These mites are a nightmare, seems like a never ending thing to get rid of them.
How long have you the demodex mites ?
Plus did you use the DS Shampoo/ ZZ cream/ Ds lotions ?

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:22 am
by anandchopra
To root out all the problems related to hair loss we should first know how they happen or simply what are the causes of hair loss among the people today and then we can decide what kind of remedy for hair loss is good for a problem?

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:11 pm
by 2007
8 months into using thses products with very slow results, very tired and it is also destroying my marriage.
I hope some day i can make a positive post in this forum.
Without a doubht the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life so far.

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:19 pm
by mcwick94
does this look like demodex?  It doesnt itch at all.  It will often die down to slightly pink spots but will always re-enflame again. Sorry but I dont know why its pulling in the pic sideways so please turn your computer
does this look like demodex? It doesnt itch at all. It will often die down to slightly pink spots but will always re-enflame again. Sorry but I dont know why its pulling in the pic sideways so please turn your computer
photo-29.JPG (28.79 KiB) Viewed 59637 times
2007, how are things going for you? I can totally relate to the 8 months of slow improvement as I have been using the products since March of 2013 and am still battling issues. I dont have P&P's but get very red bite like spots all along the insides of my cheeks. If I were male, it would be in the area of shaving. My pores are large and i get red in the nose and across my cheeks but never get the spots here, just overall redness. The cream has done nothing as far as texture and pore size either. I also have extremely itchy ears and a dry scalp but that doesnt itch. The dr wants to do a scraping but i'm so scared as the area is always so irritated and enflamed and spotted that any more damage to the area would be very hard to deal with. You cant even touch my skin, even with the lightest touch without it turning red. The only positive thing I will say is the ZZ cream works great if I do get a pimple or raised bump to lessen it overnight. I apply a little more to the bump and leave on all night and then wash off in the morning. I still have a hard time swiping this all over my face and wondering if I'm not applying enough since its been 6 months and no change really. What I do is wet my finger and sweep my finger in the jar so its a little runny and i pat it on the one side of my face and try to pat it around. I will then do with with the other side of my face. I like to use a dot on my nose and thats it but I dont really feel I'm doing my entire face this way.

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:22 am
by ShayneThill
I am a 32 year-old guy troubled by hair loss. The doctor told me it is inheritance. After years of treatment, I still bald as a ball. I have nothing to do but wearing synthetic hair extensions.

Re: Severe hair loss due to hair mites !

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:48 am
by mcwick94
426 views and not one comment??? Where's Walter??