These products gave me my life back.

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These products gave me my life back.

Post by UsernameTaken »

Hi all.

So I've been using these products for 2(?) years now (currently doing the maintenance program) and I couldn't be more pleased. I know a lot of people out there will be very hesitant to order these products and I was the same way but I took a leap of faith and ordered the zz ointment xmfl cream, and the acarid face wash.

A little about me:
I suffered from acne for most of my life.. when I got acne in my teen years everyone thought it would just go away. But it didn't. We bought proactiv and while it worked nicely for me for a couple of months I stopped using it after hearing all the negative side effects of using benzoyl peroxide and my acne came back WORSE THAN EVER. So after that I stupidly went on accutane and of course my acne cleared up but came back. My acne was so bad that I refused to go out and socialize and I refused to get a JOB. It really takes a toll on your self esteem. More than people realize. However, these methods of treating my acne was very superficial. I realized that I needed to find the root cause of my acne so I did a lot of research and decided to cleanse my body.

Demodex Mites are parasites so I did a parasite cleanse (pills, tinctures, multivitamins, coconut oil) for the inside and used ZZ ointment for the outside (Yes, I saw parasites but I won't go into detail.. ). My immune system was compromised so I think that's one reason why I have mites.

Like everyone says, the ZZ ointment will make you break out at first (it was hell for me). I was a student at this time and I had to go to class with flaky itchy crusty red skin. It was horrible. That lasted for about 2 months and I steadily got better. Using the ZZ ointment is like taking two steps forward and one step back. Your skin will look fine one morning and the next you'll have another breakout but as the weeks go by those breakouts get smaller and smaller and eventually you'll be clear. I contribute the ZZ ointment to making a huge different in my skin.

I used to be very social and as my acne progressively started to get worse, I stopped coming out and people started to wonder where I was and some people even lost trust in me! because I stopped all communication with a lot of people (yes, i'm very self concious) besides family. If people ask me "Where have you been" and if I answer "I had acne" it seems like a very stupid excuse but they won't understand the feeling of not even wanting to look at your face in the morning because of your skin.

I'm really thankful for these products. THEY GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK!

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Re: These products gave me my life back.

Post by Administrator »


Congratulations with your result :D
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