4 months to happiness :) with pics

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4 months to happiness :) with pics

Post by justcyn »

growing up, I never had problems with my skin, it was not until I had children.. some thing just went wrong and for 7 years, my skin simply deteriorated. I tried everything, all creams, avoiding chocolate and other trigger foods etc..
After reading and researching, I can across demodex solutions. I took a leap of faith and ordered. I decided to photo document the process... happy I did.
I used the night cream every evening and day cream every morning for a 2 months. Since then, hardly at all.. but I have now noticed that the redness is coming back and a few breakouts on occasion .. (hmm.. darn chocolate!) so I have just received a new batch of creams, and will use it a couple of times a week to maintain. Works like a charm.

ok.. so you want to see pics right?.. well I never thought I would post pictures like this, but if it helps just one person out there it is worth it.
pardon the quality of the pics, they were taken on my webcam.. cropped to show the pertinent stuff

the first pic was me at my worst. my eyes would puff up every night, get dry and flaky and itchy... that was the last straw.. it was affecting my day to day life. it all got better after that!
first day of treatment -
first day of treatment -
demodex1.jpg (18.41 KiB) Viewed 23198 times
close up: forehead
my forehead looked like rough terrain
my forehead looked like rough terrain
demodex2.jpg (14.53 KiB) Viewed 23198 times
3 weeks later - improvement in the texture and reduction in redness and breakouts:
3 weeks later - improvement in the texture and reduction in redness and breakouts.
3 weeks later - improvement in the texture and reduction in redness and breakouts.
demodex3.jpg (20.58 KiB) Viewed 23198 times
I seem to be limited to 3 pics in this post.. will continue
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Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: 4 months to happiness :) with pics

Post by justcyn »

ok.. continuing on my last post .. more pics:

2 months into the treatment:
demodex4.jpg (18.36 KiB) Viewed 23195 times
closeup of forehead 2 months in:
demodex6.jpg (14.35 KiB) Viewed 23195 times
and 3 months in (very little makeup)..
demodex5.jpg (13.29 KiB) Viewed 23195 times
now 4 months have passed.. one jar of the night cream and one jar of the day cream were all it took. new batch arrived.. and I will maintain twice a week. my skin get smoother every day.. the redness is nearly gone. and the best part.. I hardly think about my skin anymore.. that is the true sign of being happy with your skin.. just not thinking about it. I tell anyone who asks about this product.. it was a life changer for me.

oh.. and yes.. first week I broke out like crazy!! 3rd day I had a million tiny little white heads.
Have ordered the shampoo too, as I have quite thinnish hair and itchy scalp... sometimes finding what is like a grain of sand on the scalp. Hope this helps.. have high hopes!

good luck to all of you, and I hope my sharing helped. I have no regrets about using this product.
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Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:11 am

Re: 4 months to happiness :) with pics

Post by Okyno »

Really happy for you! Great results!

And it sure helps, as I actually look like the third picture (except the forehead), there is still hope :D

One jar of each for 4 months? Treating all your face? It doesn't seem like much, you must have taken very little cream each day?
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